A Rose for Emily by William Faulkner
There are no doubts about William Faulkner’s ability to write on universal topics such as social conditions in that period of time, but also the gossiping nature of human beings or the tendency of talking about other’s life. This mixture of setting and characters make possible to notice all these aspects criticized or shown by him.
Personally speaking, I am not fond of this topic since I do not see the point in gossiping bad comments about private life or the show business. However, despite this is only a invented art, it has another deeper meaning because Emily was kind of psycho for killing Homer, the Rose (her opportunity to be happy), but the neighbors who lives besides her or close to her did not do anything about it until she was found dead besides Homer and that is something that can be seen nowadays in a common Neighborhood, I mean, everyone is allowed to talk about others, but not giving any kind of help if this strange behavior or reactions take place. Emily was having trouble, everybody noticed, not for nothing they described everything. For example, her stages as a representative person, madness, makeover and her disappearance were a mark of instability in mood and state.
This masterpiece is incredible in considering human nature and society until today, it means, getting worse and worse, increasing the outrage and reducing the love for one another. (Mat 24:12)
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Frankenstein as a Romatic Hero

In this part of the text, we find the reflex of a crucial aspect of that period: Society corrupts people whereas Nature does not. So, Frankenstein, while he is in the forest, does not corrupt himself. He actually finds a reason to live, as he meets a family living in a house the forest, which he starts observing from a vantage point. This observation gives him clues about the way people act, which ends up with a Frankenstein learning to speak and read. At first, he only realized he wanted to be part of a family, so he started helping them in the fashion he could. Moreover, by contrasting the way people live and his progresses in reading, he got to know how he was created, as he had a book containing the chronicles of the experiments that lead to his creation. The reading, though, makes him lose his emergent faith in humanity. Therefore, he goes against Victor to take revenge, and in seek of getting a life as any other being. After these and some other events, the family expels the monster once they have found out about his existence. It is important to consider his dream of sharing his life with another sensitive and sensible being like himself.
His thoughts were so strong that they drove him to kill people to carry out his wish. Finally, Elizabeth, another creation of Dr. Frankenstein, is destroyed, which means that our Hero is not able to achieve his dream of being loved, which makes him hopeless. Moreover, he becomes disenchanted about life, a main characteristic of a Romantic Hero.
The only place that may receive him is the North Pole, where nobody dwells, where he can be sure no one will see him again.
This character embodies many interesting features, due to his amazing nature, but he clearly represents the feeling of a period in which the dreams and views of the human condition are hopelessly unachievable.
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Among the most powerfull forces of nature that can be found in our earth, the Volcano is a display of an unpredictable natural force. Its name was taken from Vulcano, an island located in the Mediterranean Sea, and given by the ancient Romans because it spewed smoke like vapor, and it was thought to be the home of Vulcan, their god of fire.
A Volcano consists of a fissure in the earth's crust, above which a cone of volcanic material has accumulated (As image below). At the top of the cone is located the crater. The cone is formed by molten or solid matter that flows or is ejected through the vent from inner earth. The study of volcanoes and volcanic phenomena is called volcanology.

The products of volcanoes are molten rocks or magma, solid particles and gases of differents kinds. It is proper to differ the magma of lave, because magma that rises in it is called lave after it flows out at the suface.
The types of eruptions are classified according to the violence level. the types are: Icelandic, Hawaiian, Strombolian, Vulcanian, Pelean and Phreatic (ordered from less violent to the most violent).
Actually, there are a few ways to predict volcanic activity. For example, the most widely used is to study the geogrephic area where the volcano is, because there are always many small earthquake before an eruption. The main problem is that is not very reliable and predictable with much time in advance.

Lately, geologists have joined volcanism into the theory of plate tectonics. that theory says that active volcanoes obtain their energy from the movements of crustal plates(see picture to the right). It is because of this that volcanoes tend to be associated with major plate boundaries.
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King Lear (Act V, Scene III) “The British Camp near Dover”
In the last part of this book, we can read a sad and gloomy story because almost all the main characters died tragically killing each other, only for power, ambitious, jealous and remorse.
The wave of death raises many doubts into reader’s feelings, because innocent people died as well as bad people leaving a non-clear sense of justice or if the right ones triumphed over their wrong ones.
At the beginning of this scene, the King Lear and his younger daughter Cordelia were captured by Edmund and both sent to the prison. Before they were sent to the prison, Lear described themselves “we two alone will sing like a birds in the cage regarding the prison” (V. III. line 9). This suggests that Lear, perhaps, just wanted to enjoy his last moment (Perhaps, he would know that his death was close) in prison with his lovely daughter because her sisters were blinded by getting the throne, standing against his father (As the proverb: biting the hand that feeds you).
After that, we can read that Regan, Albany and his wife, Goneril, entered in scene praising Edmund for his achievement. However, they apparently did it for convenience in order to gain power, but Albany was a kind of sympathetic to the Lear’s cause, despite his wife and her sister were against him, because Albany required of them to use them. Edmund refused to give them by lying to him.
King Lear and Cordelia in his arm.

Then, the climax of the scene was the duel between the illegitimate brother, Edmund (bastard) and the legitimate, Edgar (both Gloucester’s son). This was the beginning of a series of disastrous events because after Edmund was defeated, Albany brought out a letter stating the conspiracy against him by his wife and Edmund. Then, Edgar who came undercover revealed his identity and told what he did during a period. Besides, Goneril poisoned her sister, Regan, and then committed suicide. Edmund repented his crimes, that is the reason why he sent Edgar to stop the murder of Cordelia who was in prison, just to be hanged, but he arrived too late. Finally, King Lear, in a mad condition, out of sanity, appeared carrying the dead body of Cordelia and talking to her, finishing the deaths when Lear died. It seemed that he could not bear the death of his daughters as no parent would bear (As the proverb: the blood is thicker than the water, [Everyman]).
In the final part, we can analyze some important statements from the characters:
Albany: “All friends shall taste the wages (salary) of their virtue, and all foes (enemies) the cup of their deserving” (V. III. lines 301-303) meaning that, in some way, justice exists despite the means that would be taken, in this case, dying all antagonists, but moreover, the good characters making it a contradictory statement.
Lear: “Why should a dog, a horse, a rat, have life, and you no breath at all?” (V. III. lines 305-306). He was in desperation and kind of mad due to Cordelia’s death, raising the question if there is justice in the world. Hopeless and the truth that death comes to all, despite if old or young, is the way to answer Lear’s question.
Description of Characters:
King Lear: The old king of Britain and the protagonist of the play. He likes power and being complimented, so his daughters inherit that and he is bad tempered. At the end, he shows himself as a regretful and painful person. Besides, he inspires respect and loyalty since many characters give him honor.
Cordelia: Lear’s youngest daughter, in an attempt to help her father, she is captured with him. She remains loyal to Lear despite his cruelty toward her and forgives him.
Regan: Lear’s middle daughter and the wife of the duke of Cornwall. Regan seems to be as merciless as Goneril, because both were forward to the same goal. She competes jealously for the same man, Edmund.
Goneril: Lear’s merciless oldest daughter and the wife of the duke of Albany. Goneril is jealous, a traitor, and with no sense of moral. She acts like an insensitive girl.
Edmund: Gloucester’s younger, illegitimate son (bastard). He is a successful character in his purposes, but he who is full of hatred because of his childhood causes destruction and ruin to all of the other characters. However, he regrets his act at the end when he is dying suggesting that he, may be, was a coward (because you can not regret to have done such bad things in your latest moments, it is cowardice).
Edgar: Gloucester’s older, legitimate son. Edgar came, in this last chapter, to avenge his brother’ treason and wounded him seriously. Edgar is valiant, decided.
Albany: The husband of Lear’s daughter Goneril. Albany is good, but indecisive because he was supporting his wife’s cause. However, he realizes that she is a evil, and then supporting his mates Edgar and Kent.
Kent: A nobleman of the same rank as Gloucester who is a loyal servant to the King Lear. The King did not recognized Kent or “Caius,” but he is welcome then.
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